Updated list of birth certificate posts
You know, we have used Media Matters more than a few times as a source – mainly as concerns sexism and misogyny but with this birth certificate issue they have gone over the edge. Just read anything about it and their tone is one of near hysteria – Chris Matthews David Schuster in print. What used to be a neutral, fact based view of a TV segment using the transcript and actual factchecking–as in facts–is now an emotional this! has! got! to! stop! NOW! assault.
Media Matters for whom?
One would expect from their history to simply ask: Where is the original birth certificate? Why is he hiding it? Why is he spending money to fight in court to prevent its release?
Instead of multiple posts – they should go straight to the source and ask for a copy – like they would if it was anyone else.
But they aren’t.
It doesn’t matter how far out people’s claims are – in fact, the more far out they are — like many of them are (lady in red, for instance) — the more it argues their behavior is suspect.
They want to shut Lou Dobbs and everyone else up? They want it to end once and for all?
So, what’s the most direct way to do it?
Show a graphic of a newspaper ad from 1961 that no one alive can vouch for at an address no one can confirm barry or his family lived at?
Or an actual piece of paper that has the actual hospital, the actual physician and actual nurse’s names on it – whether it’s a paper copy or scanned?
When are they going to figure out their outrage is recruiting more birthers?
Look very closely in this “proof” video and point out just where “CNN [who] has fully investigated the issue and found no basis for the questions about the president’s birthplace” names the actual physical birthplace. See if you can spot the graphic.
But CNN has fully! investigated! and found no! basis! for the questions!!! about the birthplace!
A birthplace they cannot even name.
Talk about crazy.
Sorry about the ! but it represents their mindless hysteria. Can’t blame them. If they’re wrong after all this – how much is anything they say going to matter?
I just want to know how many of them know the truth. Here’s the full segment with KITTY PILGRIM, Orly Taitz, Alan Keyes, Errol Louis & John Avlon and here’s Lou Dobbs, Roland Martin and Rep Poe. Not sure what happened to the post with Rich Sanchez.
Media Matters
Notice how they have the links to the “proof” except for the statement about the Republican Governor.
PILGRIM: Republican governor of Hawaii, Linda Lingle, on record, she says Obama was indeed born in her state and we should note, she did support John McCain.
Why wasn’t it there? Because it doesn’t exist?
I have no idea. I looked and couldn’t find anything and don’t ever remember hearing it. Politifact claimed she said it was on the up and up when she was campaigning for McCain. The claim she sealed barry’s birth certificate was false.
“CNN’s own contributors saw through the HATE and the LIES.”
Rich Sanchez, who got it wrong back in February with Sen Shelby?
And Roland Martin with the tired old racism:
“How is this black guy all of a sudden running the country.”
Rolly would have a tad more credibility if he ever brought up the fact that 8 million (1/3) of eligible black voters didn’t even bother to register to vote for barry and that whiteys and Hispanics put barry in the WH. Here he did the race thing – on Lou Dobbs it was because barry’s “Moos-lum“.
But the punchline comes at the very end – I guess in an attempt to force CNN to do something:
How will CNN deal with Lou Dobbs undermining their credibility?
By having the chief, Jon Klein say it’s a “dead issue” (posting next) only to change his tune 24 hours later?
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