Saturday, July 11, 2009

Letterman monologue re: Palin (video)

July 6, 2009

Letterman – Gov Palin posts

Letterman has to be as pist as Jack Cafferty that Gov Palin is retiring from the scene. If she retires from public life for a length of time he won’t be able to justify his attacks – doesn’t mean that will stop him. Here’s a little predictable Dave “humor” without his most intellectually challenging “jokes” involving demeaning sex acts with minors, crack cocaine transactions or slutty attire.


Monday’s monologue (6:30):

President Obama is in Russia…

…we know this because Sarah Palin can see him from her house.

As if:

There was a surprising announcement over the weekend, the Governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin is leaving the office

…Something I said?

Call PETA:

She is blaming the media…today she was in a helicopter shooting at Wolf Blitzer.


The title now is Miss Congeniality.


The world needs more insane governors.

His audience doesn’t even know who this is:

She is the most attractive VP candidate since Spirow Agnew.

Sexist joke of the day:

Russia needs to produce less warheads and more hot tennis babes.

You ever seen dave’s wife?

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