Monday, November 23, 2009

SNL: China wants their money back + a little something from barry

November 22, 2009

Live from New York it’s…Nasim Pedrad, Will Forte and Fred Armisen in “Obama and Hu Jintao”.

Press conference with barry and the Chinese president – with translator. China wants their money back and…a personal favor of sorts…


Selected quotes – hand transcribed.

BO: Unfair valuation of Chinese currency, trade imbalance, human rights.

HU: I completely understand why you feel entitled to come and lecture China on its shortcomings.

HU: How many jobs have you created?

BO: So far…none.

HU: How exactly is extending healthcare coverage to 30 million people going to save you money?

BO: Uh…I don’t know.

HU: Each of your plans to save money involves spending even more money.

HU: Will you kiss me?

HU: I like to be kissed when somebody’s doing sex to me!

HU: I suppose if I wanted to get my money I could call and say I was a Wall Street banker who needs his bonus. But really, why should I have to stoop to that level.

HU: Are you going to at least treat me to dinner and a movie?

BO: I’m sorry?

HU: I think it’s the polite thing to do before doing sex to me!

BO: We are taking steps to make sure that what happened will never happen again.

HU: What steps?

BO: Reform of banking regulations.

HU: Do I look like Mrs Obama?

BO: What?

HU: Do I look like Mrs Obama?

BO: Of course not.

HU: Then why are you trying to do sex to me like I was Mrs Obama!!!

BO: Now, now…

HU: Just do it — get it over!

BO: Mr President.

HU: Don’t be a tease.

BO: I just-

HU: I can take it!

BO: This is not the time or the place.

HU: Very well.

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