Wednesday, May 6, 2009

H1N1 “Patient Zero”

May 5, 2009

This has been reposted since the first one disappeared somewhere.

April 30, 2009

It started in a little village, named La Gloria, in the state Veracruz, in the mountains of Mexico.

It started with one little boy.

Five-year-old, Edgar Hernandez.

On April 2nd, a flu outbreak was reported in the village. State officials came and tested “dozens” of the 3000 inhabitants, including that little boy.

The villagers tested positive for the common flu.

The little boy, swine flu.

The news was not entirely unexpected, as there are hog farms surrounding the village, including one owned by an American company, Smithfield Foods, Inc, which the little boy’s mother was certain caused her son’s illness.

It’s possible. Smithfield processes 1 million pigs a year, which means 1 million pig carcasses and 1 million pigs’ lifetime supply of pig waste.

But the initial testing proved negative and the results backed by the Mexican Health Officials.

The swine flu had not come from the swine.

So where?

Where did the little boy get exposed?

Who had he come in contact with?

Why was he the only one tested who had tested positive for the swine flu?

On the date the little boy was diagnosed as having swine flu, the virus had not yet been documented anywhere else on the globe, so he was given the designation “PATIENT ZERO” denoting the point of origin of the swine flu viral infection.

As curious as the little boy was - the origin of virus became curiouser and curiouser. It was a never before seen virus made up of four different strains: human, avian and pig: North American & Eurasian. And it has a “H” protein that had never been known to occur outside pigs. Meaning humans have no natural immunity to it.

And thus starts part two of the tale…

And Patient Zero?

Just fine.

Source: CNN


POTUS exposed to swine flu? (Felipe Solis story links)
GIBBS (4-27): No warning before Mexico triSmithifield CEO speaks re: H1N1
Energy security detail contracted flu in Mexico
White House (4-27) Mexican Embassy spokesman Ricardo Alday re: Felipe Solis
Flu Timeline: Secretary Chu Security detail

Smithifield CEO speaks re: H1N1

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