Questions still exist as to where and in what host the H1N1 virus might have originated. Whether it spontaneously mutated or was helped along by man. Smithfield Foods’ farms near where “Patient Zero” lives, is still being looked at as the culprit - even though the Mexican authorities say Smithfield is not responsible.
My (non-paranoid) opinion: it is man made and was planted in that area to further destroy the US economy. Smithfield being the largest pork producer in North America. It is about as coincidental as barry’s host coming down with “flu-like symptoms” less than 24 hours after they shook hands. As coincidental as the “preexisting conditions” that were used to justify his precipitous death that had nothing to do with the H1N1 virus. And it’s as coincidental as the most powerful man in the world just happening to be at the epicenter of a never before seen flu outbreak. [Discussed here.]
The question is who is behind it?
“Granjas Carroll” is the hog farm in question. Smithfield Foods owns half and they have been fully compliant with the Mexican Government. They willingly consented to genetic testing of his pigs to see if in fact the virus is linked to them, which won’t be back till next week. The samples were sent to University of Mexico because the government didn’t want them to leave the country.
And why not the CDC?
C. Larry Pope, CEO of Smithfield Foods is interviewed by MIKE MATHER of KTKR 3 News.
Pope does not think his farms are making anyone sick.
POPE: Of course I don’t. You know what we would not begin to put the public at risk here.
Is irritated by it.
POPE: had it not been called swine flu, I think Smithfield wouldn’t be involved in this discussion at all. We find a little boy in Southern Mexico who gets sick, there happens to be a Smithfield facility close to that, boom, we have the linkage, by some people’s standards.
Does he think his farms are responsible?
POPE: You don’t have to take my word for it. You can take the Mexican authorities. The minister of health has said that. The governor of Veracruz has said that.
Pope says he sent two agriculture consultants from universities to check out his farm.
POPE: Even if that farm is determined to have that, there is still no indication that it went from that farm to that little boy.
POTUS exposed to swine flu? (Felipe Solis story links)
GIBBS (4-27): No warning before Mexico trip
Energy security detail contracted flu in Mexico
White House (4-27) Mexican Embassy spokesman Ricardo Alday re: Felipe Solis
Flu Timeline: Secretary Chu Security detail
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